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As the pandemic continues, some of us may be feeling a bit fatigued with working remotely. We are all doing our part to stop the spread, but as time continues our daily routines may start to feel tiresome and a bit mundane. Below are some tips on how to keep your work from home routine fresh and healthy.

Stay active: Exercise is important, whether it’s a walk to the mailbox, around the block, or just taking a meeting while standing, make sure you are getting up and stretching your legs every half hour or so. Your body will thank you, and you will feel more energized throughout the day and eliminate some avoidable aches and pains.

Keep your workspace to a minimum: In the office, your space is limited to one location, why should it be any different at home? It is important to have a designated space to do your work to make you feel like you’re still in an office setting. You may need to adjust your lighting and your furniture for a comfortable work environment, after all your home was made for lounging, not working.

Eat Healthily: Create a schedule for meals and snacks to avoid constant grazing. It is important to establish times for breakfast, lunch, and dinner and determine what those snacks will be. Once you’ve got a schedule, make sure to include a source of protein at every meal, whether it’s meat-based or plant-based. In addition, include a variety of colorful fruits and vegetables.

Work towards a work-life balance: It is hard to completely disconnect from your work when your office is only ten steps away. Just because you can be on your computer doesn’t mean you have to be. Try not to let work seep into your life after you’ve completed your day’s work. If you’re struggling to disconnect, try to stick to a routine as much as possible by keeping your normal working hours and stop checking your email when you’re off the clock.

Remember, not every day is going to be your best day: Working from home is definitely a change of pace from being in the office. Some days you’ll be super productive and other days not as much. Don’t beat yourself up on the bad days, acknowledge the lower level of productivity, and try to compensate for it the next day. Set achievable goals for yourself, create to-do-lists and write out all deadlines so no work goes missed.

Stay involved: Even if working alone is your preferred method, it becomes very easy to feel disconnected from your co-workers when you do not physically see them every day. Try to be social with your colleagues, participate in events they have going on, or even message a familiar face with a “Happy Monday.” You may even make a new friend.

Find meaning in your work: There is no one at home around you to push you to do your work. Make sure you are enjoying what you are doing so that you can excel in it. Talk to your boss about other ways you can get involved if there is something you want to try. If you love what you do, you’ll be a more productive and happier employee.

Stick to a schedule: Try to stick to a routine as much as possible. It is easy to fall off track but if you have an idea of when you should be working and ending work each day, it gives you more structure and allows for more productivity.